Embarrassing Moments: Semester Two

When I first came to college, I hoped that I wouldn’t have too many embarrassing moments before I made friends.

I did, of course, have many embarrassing moments. Fortunately, retelling the incidents helped me make friends. (I blogged about this here: https://livetidbits.wordpress.com/2012/09/01/embarrassing-moments/)

Come second semester, the friends I made are still my friends and embarrassing moments come around more rarely.

Then came English class. It was the second day in class and I was hoping to become friends with the people sitting around me; you know, trying to make that good first impression.

You should know, English is one of my better subjects. I usually do pretty well.

Anyways, the moment came while we were discussing “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathon Swift. There were two questions on the board and my class partner and I were supposed to be discussing them. I finished giving my answer to the first one and was both listening to my partners answer and thinking about my answer to the second question.

His answer was quite eloquent and I told him, “That was really good wording.” Unfortunately, I wasn’t focused on what I was saying and I think it came out more like, “Tatwuzrelaygoodwerding.” He was like, “What?” and for some reason I completely fumbled my words and only managed to get out, “Wording, good.”

Somehow I don’t think my answer was quite as eloquent…

Was it embarrassing? Yes.


‘Twas the Night Before Finals

‘Twas the night before finals and all throughout campus

The students were studying, and the professors were grading,

For many finals were almost upon them, the grades would soon be due,

But the students simply wanted to leave the studying mayhem,

And go back to their homes with the friends and gifts and family,

But the finals were still to be taken and the studies to be studied,

The stress and satirical feelings of everyone

Characterizing every daughter and son

But there were also the lazy students who were on social media

Sick of all the encyclopedias, and undeniably ready to sing a Christmas song,

‘Twas the night before Finals and the snow was falling and the snowballs launching,

The snow being scrutinized more than ever before

An unhelpful but mesmerizing distraction from work

‘Twas the night before finals and all through the campus

The students were trying to study with all of their might.

No Soliciting

I had some coffee today and am basically distracted by everything and bouncing around everywhere. What does that have to do with no soliciting?

Well, I went to print off my “No Soliciting” sign for my dorm door so that I can be devoid of future knocks on my door from politicians and fundraisers and I wasn’t really paying attention to the printing (this is where the coffee comes in, I ‘concentrate’ on many things at one time). I also went on to print off two other documents while collecting my stuff before leaving my dorm room. Multi-tasking coffee-style.

I then proceeded to the printer to pick up my three pieces of paper with my overloaded backpack. Homework to get done, places to go, ya know?

I found my “No Soliciting” sign in the printer and then looked under it to find another and then another. I began to wonder how someone managed to print off the same photo off of Google as me. I kept looking through the stack for my other documents and by the time I got to the fifth or sixth paper, I concluded that there were definitely not that many people with the same good taste in soliciting signs as me (at exactly the same time). There were eleven copies total.

Probably a printer glitch, I told myself.

I went on to find eleven copies of my next document. Then eleven more of my final document. Maybe no longer a printer glitch? I then realized that the printing setting were set on “previous settings” and the last thing I printed out was eleven posters. Cool.

I felt rather silly and told the story to my friend, feeling foolish but wanting to get it out. She just laughed and said that once she added an extra zero when she meant to print ten copies of something. That made me feel ever so much better.

So, anyone want a stylish “No Soliciting” sign?